The capacity of humanity to make choices and impose those choices on the environment without critical consideration of the consequences has resulted in an imbalance in power, where the destiny of the earth, our home, is controlled by humanity.  Human agency and continued existence rely on a balanced alliance with our natural world where the relationship shifts from master (human) / slave (environment) to a cooperative agreement to co-exist in harmony.  The earth is home to a wide variety of species and provides the necessities to support life in its various forms. Our ecosystem is a complex network of biological communities and abiotic factors that, when left on its own, promotes a natural evolution of life and equilibrium. When the system is impacted by short-sighted, rapacious human intervention, residents of this planet often experience displacement, extinction, and suffering. It is here that we find ourselves.

Artists, scientists, technologists, and social practitioners have the power to critically respond to the imbalance by engaging in practices and producing artworks that seek to understand and work in harmony with the natural world to re-imagine a better future. This exhibition showcases creative works that investigate, question, and/or propose critical action to reestablish a sustainable and balanced relationship with the earth, our home.

The Selection Process

The artworks selected for this exhibition underwent a rigorous review process. The works were selected by an international jury of professionals that sought works that best responded to the theme of the exhibition and reflected critical thought, aesthetic integrity and and creative use of technology.

Short Presentations of Art and Research for the Kindred Spirit

On January 28, 2022, artists from the “The Earth, Our Home” exhibition will do a short online presentation discussing their work in the show. Please join us. Check back here for the link to join the Zoom event.